Day Camp
Check-in at 7:45 AM at the Gymnasium. Check-out is at 3:45-4:00.
Lunch is provided each day.
Bring a swimsuit- One piece for girls, Shorts length for boys.
Bring a towel- Please label it with the child’s name.
Overnight Camps- Opening Day
All campers must be pre-registered and pre-paid.
Check-in for camp is from 7:45 - 9:00 AM on the first day of camp at the Gymnasium. All campers must be checked in by 9:00 AM.
Parents or guardians must sign-in camper, and turn in any medications (prescription and OTC) the camper will need to the Camp Nurse.
Each camper will receive his/her cabin assignment, nametag, schedule, etc. at check-in.
Parents are encouraged to accompany the camper to their assigned cabin and assist the camper in unpacking and bed-making.
Overnight Camps- Closing Day
Dress Code: Please make sure that your camper brings clothes that meet the following criteria: Shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh and fitted to the waist, and no undergarments should be seen. Shirts must cover the stomach and undergarments, no spaghetti straps or strapless shirts allowed. T-shirts must not have inappropriate writing on them. For girls, one-piece suits are required. Campers will be asked to swim with a t-shirt if the suit is questionable.
Campers are not allowed to have cell phones. All items on the “Don’t Bring” list will be taken up and returned to the parent at check-out.
Under age 18 driving policy: Parents must sign the consent form so we have permission to sign-in and release camper on opening and closing day. Your child must leave his/her vehicle parked in the designated area during the week of camp. Your child will not be allowed to drive while camp is in session or be allowed to leave Friendship Camp for any reason. Drivers under the age of 18 are not allowed to transport other minors, excluding immediate family members. (If exceptions to this policy are needed the parent/guardian must make arrangements with the camp director and give us written permission.)
Registration is open! Visit the summer camp page for more info.