Questions are grouped by topic: day camp, overnight camp, and miscellaneous. Topics are broken apart by a line to make it easy for you to find the info you need most.
Children who have completed 2nd grade can attend either camp. We've purposely overlapped age groups to allow flexibility for parents and children. We understand that some children are not ready for overnight camp yet and would benefit the most from a day camp experience. You should register your child for whichever camp works best for your family.
Yes - we do have children in this age group who attend both camps.
Check-in begins at 7:45 a.m. Download our parent info packet to keep this information handy. You can download it at the top or bottom of this page.
Check-out opens at 3:45 p.m and ends at 4:00 p.m. Download our parent info packet to keep this information handy. You can download it at the top or bottom of this page.
Beginning in 2023, we decided to only offer the full-day option for Day Camp. Parents enthusiastically chose the full-day option almost exclusively for the last several years.
Lunch, snacks, water, and juice are provided during the camp day.
Campers who have completed 6th grade can attend either camp. You should register your child for the experience that is the best fit for your child. Momentum Youth runs for one night longer than the childrens' camps.
Yes - we do have children in this age group who attend both camps.
Our parent info packet provides a packing list. Check at the top or bottom of this page to download.
The camps are distinct with seperate activities and directors. They do share meals and the evening worship service in common but the girls and boys are seperated for the rest of the time.
Traditionally Blaze Girls Camp and Velocity Boys Camp were conducted during separate weeks of the summer. In the summer of 2014, we made a strategic decision to conduct both camps simultaneously. Our goal was to make summer scheduling easier for parents and churches. Simultaneous camps were successful! We received positive feedback from families, churches, and Friendship Camp staff.
Check-in is held from 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. on the first morning of camps. There will be tables set up at the gymnasium. Parents must check-in campers and turn in any medication (prescription and OTC). Campers will receive their cabin placement, nametag, schedule, etc. at this time.
Parents are encouraged to help set up campers' bunks in the cabins. Camp Counselors will be waiting in cabins to answer any additional questions you may have.
Registration is open! Visit the summer camp page for more info.